2020 Presidential Election Results & Electoral Map

4 min readNov 5, 2020

Brian Snyder | Reuters

With November 3rd, 2020 come and gone, there’s nothing left to do except reflect on the surreal nature of what took place well into the early hours of November 4th, and will continue to take place over the coming days. It appears as though the nation is heading for one of the worst case scenarios that could have possibly unfolded for the Democratic Party, with the loss of Florida, Ohio, and likely North Carolina, and the red mirage materializing in other critical states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, paving the way for Donald Trump to do exactly what everyone feared he would do: claiming that he won the election, and preparing to take the case to court to stop the ballots coming in for Joe Biden from being counted.

Joe Biden can still possibly eke out a victory, but it’s safe to say that even if he gets close to doing so, the election is now close enough where Donald Trump can effectively steal it.

This should have been a landslide.

This should have been a race where the Democratic candidate should have been able to carry all but a handful of states, retaining the house and not just gaining the Presidency, but the Senate as well. Instead, the Democratic party sunk hundreds of millions of dollars into Amy McGrath’s campaign, wasted it on Jaime Harrison as well, will likely not gain the Senate, and are leaving their voters to deal with the fear that Trump will steal the Presidency as well.

I don’t think we have absorbed just how disastrous a Biden White House, coupled with the Republican Senate would be.

Even if Biden does barely manage to scrape out a win, this election showed the people exactly what happens when the Democratic party pushed away the majority of America for maybe 4% of Republican voters, and were left with really nothing to show for it.

I remember being told for months on end — by the MSNBC pundit class, and the liberal voter a like — that Biden was the most electable. I remember hearing “anyone but Bernie”, and hearing how he was too “extreme”. But I cannot say I’m surprised that even Fox News’ exit polling showed that Bernie Sanders won the ideological debate by a landslide, and yet what’s unfolding right before our very eyes is proof that the Democratic party is about to squander all of it.

Was there a single strategist, mainstream media pundit, or corporate Democratic lawmaker who batted an eye when news spread that the Biden campaign didn’t even consider the Latinos part of their path to victory? Do any of them regret disparaging Bernie Sanders’ historic Latino voter turnout in Nevada, and pretending it didn’t matter? Will any of them pause for a moment to reflect after results from Starr County, Texas — the most Latino County in the United States — that went for Clinton by a whopping 60%, has now only gone for Biden by about 5%? Are they going to shrug it off like they did with Nevada, or come to the conclusion that their ineptitude has now paved the way for what looks like — as Thao Nguyen on Twitter pointed out — a potentially “historic realignment”? Of course, it doesn’t end there. In Florida, at the same time as they pulled the lever for Donald Trump, voters also pulled it for a minimum wage increase. Think, just for a moment, about what that says about The Democratic party and how they are perceived.

Anger does not even begin to cover what I am feeling right now.

If Trump wins, no one gets to blame Bernie Sanders and the left. This is on everyone from Joe Biden right down to James Clyburn, Pete Buttigieg, Barack Obama, and the MSNBC analysts who paved the way for this campaign. If Trump wins, this is far more than just America’s racism and ignorance, and it would be foolish to pretend otherwise. While that’s objectively a significant and ugly factor, this is also a middle finger to the Democratic establishment. We are living in a moment where people understand how bad the President is, but refuse to reward the Democratic party and the elites who they represent for holding them hostage like they have for decades.


